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迈克的梦想-Mikes Dream,迈克的梦想-Mikes Dream范文
更新时间:2024-04-26 20:14:00

迈克的梦想-Miks Dram,迈克的梦想-Miks Dram范文迈克的梦想-Miks Dram Mik is a sixtn-yar-old boy. H lovs his fathr vry much. But his fathr is so busy that h sldom gos back hom.H has only 3 days off a month. Mik has no chanc to talk with his fathr.

迈克的梦想-Mikes Dream,迈克的梦想-Mikes Dream范文

With th growth in ag, Mik is agr to talk with his fathr.H oftn drams of talking with his fathr togthr. How happy h is if h could stay with his fathr! 迈克是一个16岁的男孩,他非常爱他的爸爸。但是他的爸爸太忙了,以致于很少回家。



如果他能和父亲呆在一起那该是多快乐的事啊! Mik, a boy of sixtn, says h misss his fathr. But his fathr is too busy to talk with him. H gos to work arly in th morning and gts hom lat in th vning. Mik has no chanc to talk with him.

Mik is agr to talk with him. H fls unhappy and hops his fathr will com back hom to b togthr with th family.How agr Mik is to stay with his fathr! 16岁的男孩迈克说他想他的爸爸。但是他的爸爸太忙了,不能和他聊天。


迈克渴望与他爸爸聊天。他感觉不快乐,希望爸爸能回家与家人在一起。迈克是多么渴望与爸爸呆在一起啊! 迈克的梦想-Miks Dram

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