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Rain will Study in AmericaWith his successful starring in the Hollywood film Speed Racer(《极速赛车手》) directed by the Wachowski Brothers(沃卓斯基兄弟), Rain from South Korea will fly to America next month for English study, a necessary step to Hollywood.In the film, Rain plays the role of a speed racer from the East, and Yu Nan(余男)from mainland of China acts his elder sister. The film will be presented throughout the world this May. It is this Hollywood film that makes Rain decide to pursue his career in America and Europe. Rain is going to America in early November. He will visit New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. On the way, he will decide on the school for English study and the city for residence. Besides English improvement, he will discuss cooperation projects with local record companies and publishing houses.To Rain, Speed Racer is the first step to the film market in the West, and the presentation of this film throughout the world in May is just the beginning of his future development.【附:中文大意】韩国小天王Rain赴美学习在主演了好莱坞导演沃卓斯基兄弟执导的《极速赛车手》后,韩国小天王Rain将在下月初飞往美国学习英文,从而为全面进军好莱坞做准备。在影片《极速赛车手》中,Rain饰演一个东方赛车手,而中国内地演员余男在影片中则是他的姐姐。该影片将于今年5月在全球上映。而正是由于拍了这部好莱坞电影后,Rain更加坚定了进军欧美的决心。Rain于11月初赴美,陆续飞往纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥等地旅游,而沿途将选择学习英文的学校和居住地。另外,Rain此行在美国除了加强英文能力外,还会就近与当地唱片公司、出版社等洽谈合作计划。Rain将电影《极速赛车手》视为正式进军欧美的第一步,待明年5月该片全球上映时,将借此全面发展。 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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