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1人问答 更新时间:2024-04-19 11:34:19


Rock and Roll in Wang Lihong’s SingingRecently, the rock and roll style can be found in Wang Lihong’s(王力宏) singing. In an interview with reporters, Mr. Wang said that Cui Jian(崔健), a famous musician from the mainland of China, had given him much inspiration. “He has shown his own style in his music, which is brave and appropriate in terms of both melodies and words. I like his latest record very much.” But it’s a pity that they have not met each other so far.Wang says, “Rock and roll is the most straightforward type of music, truly reflecting the inner thoughts of the composer. It might be a little bit rebellious, but that is the most valuable spirit.” In his new song entitled “I Have No Reason to Pay Attention to You”(《我完全没有任何理由理你》), Mr. Wang criticizes the vicious competition judges(评委)in a sarcastic manner, without hiding his disgust at them at all. He says that he cannot tolerate the singing competition any longer, because “the teenager singers, who have to overcome their timidity with great efforts, are often made fun of in their debut (第一次上台表演)on the stage, which discourages them from future performance. What a judge should do is make singers confident through encouragement instead of showing himself through vicious remarks(恶毒的评论).”【附:中文大意】王力宏也渐渐“摇滚”王力宏最近的演唱中多了一些摇滚乐风格。在接受记者采访时王力宏透露,内地音乐人崔健给了他很多灵感,“他的音乐很有自己的风格,无论是唱腔还是歌词,都够大胆够到位。他最近发的唱片我都蛮喜欢的。”不过遗憾的是,两人至今还没有机会碰面。王力宏说:“摇滚乐是最直接的音乐,它很真实,传达的是来自创作人内心的表达,或许有叛逆,但却是最宝贵的精神”。在新歌《我完全没有任何理由理你》中,王力宏就讽刺了一批“毒舌评委”,毫不避讳对这些人的反感。他说,现在的歌唱比赛自己实在看不下去,“十几岁的新人好不容易鼓起勇气上台,第一次唱歌就被取笑,吓得以后再也不敢上去了。其实作为评委还是要给新人鼓励,给予他们信心,而不是为了表现自己‘毒舌’的风格。” 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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