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1人问答 更新时间:2024-04-19 17:26:24


Halle Berry Does Bill ClintonHalle Berry is the first African-American woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress and the first black bond girl(邦女郎) in James Bond 007(007电影) . She is picked by Esquire(《绅士》) as “2008’sSexiest Woman Alive”(2008年当世最性感女郎) even though she is now middle-aged. In an article on the website of Esquire, Berry revealed what she felt when she received such an anniversary honor for the first time: “I really don’t know what it means to a woman of 42 years old who has children. ButI’m glad to receive this honor.” Besides, the audience can enjoy the funny picture in which Berry does Bill Clinton. She not only takes the same posture as Clinton did on the cover in 2000 for Esquire, but dresses herself in the same manner by wearing a suit and a blue tie. People cannot look at Berry’s picture without thinking of Clinton’s.【附:中文大意】哈莉·贝瑞“恶搞”克林顿哈莉·贝瑞是奥斯卡史上第一位荣获影后的黑人女星,也是历史上首位黑人007电影中的“邦女郎”。她已经人到中年,但美国《绅士》杂志(Esquire) 还是对她情有独钟,将这位女星评为“当世最性感的女人”。在《绅士》网站刊登的一篇文章中,贝瑞写下了她对于第一次摘得《绅士》这一年度殊荣的感想。贝瑞说:“我真的不知道这对于一个42岁而且已经有孩子的女人意味着什么,但我很愿意接受这份荣誉。”除了分享这位性感美女的感受外,读者还可以在文章中看到她恶搞美国前总统比尔·克林顿的滑稽一面。在文章刊登的照片中,贝瑞摆出了克林顿2000年拍摄《绅士》封面照片时同样的姿势。她拍照时的装扮与克林顿当时的西服套装和蓝色领带也有异曲同工之妙。这种“恶搞”定会让读者回想起克林顿当年为《绅士》杂志的封面照片,那一期的封面已成为《绅士》的一种标志。 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

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